Archive for the ‘Fall’ Category

Gallery on-line

Monday, November 19th, 2007

Well, here it is.  My first of many galleries to come.  There are 124 pictures in this gallery.  There are a variety of photos, including, sunrise, sunset, scenery, waterfalls, skyscapes, and more.  These are all low resolution images for on-line viewing purposes. 

Also, I created this blog layout using 2 of the pictures from my collection.

Let me know what you think.



Hello, and welcome

Saturday, November 10th, 2007

This is my first of many posts to my new blog. I hope you enjoy what you see here. The purpose of this blog is primarily to let you know what I am snapping pictures of.

Photography has been a hobby of mine for several years. I am currently doing a lot with natural beauty. (Wildlife and scenery.)

Here is a picture I took this afternoon.

Black Squirell picture

This is a low res version. I will get a better one on-line when I have some more time.
