Family Trip To The Seneca Park Zoo

Bald Eagle at Seneca Park ZooSaturday June 14th, we went to the Seneca Park Zoo, our local zoo. We actually had most of the family with us. My mother, my brother Rick, my brother Matt and his wife, Christina and their daughter Lilly.

It wasn’t that hot, and the rain held out until we were about 1/2 way through.  This was Lexi’s first visit to the zoo.  We tried to take her the week before, but when we got there it was closed, so we ended up feeding the ducks and geese in Charlotte.

The zoo in general is a pretty good place for taking pictures of animals.  Some animals are more cooperative than others.  The Seneca Park Zoo has a good variety of animals, nothing spectacular, but definitely worth  visiting.

Bald Eagles are one of my favorite animals.  They always seem to have a very noble expression.

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