Garden Chronicle Week 2 – Beans
OK, so this week, we transplanted the pole beans to the garden. We started then from seed inside several weeks ago. I am hoping they make it. The reason I say this is, they grew like crazy and I didn’t give them poles to climb before I moved them outside and the wind did a number on them. If has been a few days since I transplanted them to the garden, so look like they are going to be fine, and some of the others aren’t looking that good.
Now if you are wondering what the beans are using to support them, it’s PVC pipe. This is the first year we have grown beans of any kind. It just happened by chance that my wife picked up a book a few weeks ago Storey’s Basic Country Skills: A Practical Guide to Self-Reliance. The information in this book is great. I have learned a lot just flipping through it. In the garden section there is an entry about pole beans. It recommends using a tee pee or A-frame to support the bean plants. So that is what I did. I made mine using schedule 40 PVC.